MPSC (राज्यसेवा) बद्दल संपूर्ण विस्तारीत माहिती

महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत होणार्या परीक्षा :
- राज्यसेवा परीक्षा
- पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक / सहाय्यक / विक्रीकर निरीक्षक
- टंकलेखक / लिपीक परीक्षा
Must Read (नक्की वाचा):
1. राज्यसेवा परीक्षा :
राज्य शासनातील गट अ व ब संवर्गातील पद भरण्यासाठी ही परीक्षा घेण्यात येते.
परीक्षेमार्फत भरली जाणारी पदे :
- Deputy Collector
- Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP)
- Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
- Sub-registrar Cooperative Societies
- Deputy Chief Executive Officer
- Block Development Officer (BDO)
- Tahsildar
- Desk Officer
- Assistant Regional Transport Officer (ARTO)
- M.F.A.S (Maharashtra Finance & Account Service)
- Chief Officer (Nagarpalika) ( I & II)
- Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax
- Mantralaya Section Officer
- Taluka Inspector of Land Records (TILR)
- Naib Tahsildar
परीक्षेचे स्वरूप :
- पूर्व परीक्षा : पूर्व परीक्षेसाठी 200 गुणांच्या दोन प्रश्नपत्रिका असतात, यासाठी आपणास 2 तासांचा वेळ असेल. प्रश्नपत्रिकेचे स्वरूप वस्तुनिष्ठबहुपर्यायी असून प्रश्नपत्रिका मराठी व इंग्रजी भाषेत असेल. पूर्व परीक्षा अभ्यासक्रम केंद्रीय लोकसेवा आयोगाच्या नागरी सेवा परीक्षेप्रमाणेच आहे.
- मुख्य परीक्षा : यात 6 पेपर एकूण 800 गुणांकरिता असतात.
- पेपर-1 : मराठी गुण-100 वेळ-तीन तास
- पेपर-2 : इंग्रजी गुण-100 वेळ -तीन तास
- Paper – I – History & Geography
- Paper –II – Indian Constitution & Indian Politics (with ref. to Maharashtra)& Law
- Paper – III – Human Resource Development (HRD) & Human Rights
- Paper – IV – Economics of Planning & Development Science &Technology Development
- प्रत्येक पेपर मध्ये खुल्या गटातील उमेदवारांना 45% गुण व राखीव वर्गातील उमेदवारांना 40% गुण मिळवण आवश्यक आहे.
- मुलाखतीसाठी 100 गुण असतील.
धन्यवाद खूप छान मार्गदर्शन केले आहे …
Very nice guidens sir
ग्रामिण भागा च्या मुला करिता उपलब्ध माहिती
Mi ata f.y bsc made asun mla mpsc deputy collector ya padasathi margadarshan pahije sir pls help
Mala class A che previous paper have ahe
sir ajun kahi mahite mila ka ya sarkhi
Sir ajun mahiti milel ka rajyaseve baddal.
Thank you sir.
thank you all you
Nice information
Nice guidelines
Nice guidance sir
Very important details
thank you so much sir khup mst mahiti milali
nice.thank you very much
Madam maze age ata 29 ahe, maze graduation pan complete nahiye. Mi mpsc Kiva upsc exam devu shakte Ka??
Mam I have passde in HSC commerce can I giv e exam off mpsc
Sti la mulakhat ahe ka
sir mla ajjun basic mahiti havi ahe so plz mla help kra
Kasli help hawi
Maths subjects asto ki nasto deputy collector chya syllabus madhe please tell me ..
Asto ,
thank you
Very nice info. Thanks sir
Sir dysp Sathi height kiti pahije?
Sir me fybsc cha student ahe sir mala mpsc gari prepared karta yeil ka sir ani book least dyal ka sir
Sir pre exam madhe open cast sathi cutt off kiti markscha aasato.
khula gat v rakhiv gat ha bhad bhav kashala
thanks for information ,sir
nice guidance sirf thank you
Nice and good work…
I want vary good information and mpsc new question book
Nice guidelines and thanx for you provide this information
thanks for information to me
age limited kay ahe,
Mohini Tai..plzz msg my WhatsApp nmbr
8600933940 cause mlpn help hoil exam chya tayarisathi so plzz
Mpsc study
Sir tumhi khup chan smJun sangitle thank u
Very nice sir
Sir,mala rajyaseva karaychiy pan English theory chi bhiti watetey……….
English theory passing kuti marks la astey
Very nice sir
Sir police department posts names upload
Sir dysp post karita physical test aste ka
Some more expections
Nice guidance
Sir rajyseva main exam made marati & english sodun je 4 paper ahet te kontya language made astil marati &;english both ki only english
Psi sti asst ka study ek hi hota hai ky or alag hota hai?
It os a most important
Thanks sir for your guidance..
Sir mi bsc t.y la ahe .mala mpsc Cha SDM ya padachi tayyari karto ahe plz kahi margdarshan bheten ka
Sir mi bsc la ahe please mala mpsc mahiti dhya
Sir mi bsc la ahe tari mala mpsc che maargdarshan milel ka
Sir mi bsc la aahe tri mala mpsc ch margdarshan karnar ka
Psi still asst.exam Purva pass zalyananter main la tinhi peper sanyukt astat vegvegle. Ekach peper dyaycha asto ka, sagale dyayache astat.
150 गुणाचे पेपर मराठी मधून आहेत का ?
अ आणि ब गटासाठी गुणांची विभागणी सारखी आहे का?
सर मी कॉमर्स शाखेत 11 वी मध्ये आहे .
Sir Open sati age limit kay ahe
Maze 34 runnnig ahe mi exam deu shakto ka
mi aata fybcom la aahe mala mahiti havi aahe
Sir aata 2019 nantar department psi exam kdi nighel
next year
Sir me electrical engineering Diploma la 2 nd year la ahe. Tr me mpsc exam deu shakto na??
sir me 12pass jalo ahee ane 3 yers iti kayla ahee me mpsc papaer du skto ka
मला english येत नाही काय करु
Sir me bhms Kel aahy manjech homeopath so plz tumhi mala suggest Kara na me kashat nemk Paul Taku plz help Kara Maaz age 26aahy aata
Maz homeopathy filed aahy so plz mala suggest Kara na pudhychya career sati
Very helpfull
Sir Mi S.Y. Bsc la aahe mala Depoty collecter ya post Sathi margdershan pahije aahe please
Very important guidance. Thank u
MPSC cha syllabus pratyek varshi change hoto ka?
Sr Maj age34 yrs ahe..mi 12 th pass ahe..TR mi mpsc kontya padasathi yogya tharu Shakel ..plz reply..
Maths subject nahiy ka deputy collector chya study sathi..
Sir jar mi prelims pass jale and Mains fail jale tar parat prelims denyachi garaj ahe ka .?
Sir please tell me age limit for open category and vjnt category
sir me BBA(CA) chya 2nd year la ahay so me mpsc che exam deu shaktey ka
Sir me 26 year cha aahe. me 3rd year complete kel aahe aani mala mpsc madhe deputy collector aani assistant commissioner of sales tax ya post sathi abhyas karaycha … aani mala english madhe pn thoda problem aahe .. yabaddal mala kahi margdarshan kara…
Sir ek questions ahe
Exam la graduate लागत ka
मी 12th nanatar diploma kelay computer engineering cha 2 year mg exam deta yeil ka
I am electrical engg… and i want to give rajya seva exam …for deputy collector post…can i elligible for this exam as i am electrical engg.
Sir majh diploma complete ah ata BA f y l ah ml mpsc exam deta yt ka
Very importance informtion
Iti mmv tradla rto police madhe fhorm bharata yeto kaa
B com Maharashtra open University
Exam chalel ka
Mala psi exam dyayachi ahe maj b com zal ahe
Mala exam deta yeil ka
nice gaidance sir
Mpsc madhe dysp post karita sc category student la age limit kiti ahe
I would like to ask one question regard to Maharastra university of health sciences degre students can abal to give mpsc and upsc examination.
I have completed computer engg. But I have to prepare for the mpsc. please sir guide me.