National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test-II 2016

National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test-II 2016
Exam Name : National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test-II [NEET Exam (U.G.)-II 2016]
Educational Qualification :
1. CODE [01] : A candidate who is appearing in the qualifying examination, 12th standard in 2016, may apply and take up the said test but he/she shall not be eligible for admission to the MBBS or BDS, if he/she does not pass the qualifying examination with the required pass percentage of marks at the time of first round ofCounselling. OR
2. CODE [02] : The Higher/Senior Secondary Examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to 10+2 Higher/Senior Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years study.
NOTE: where the course content is not as prescribed for 10+2 education structure of the National Committee, the candidates will have to undergo a period of one year pre – professional training before admission to the Medical Colleges.OR
3. CODE [03] : The Intermediate/Pre-degree Examination in Science of an Indian University/Board or other recognised examining body with Physics, Chemistry, Biology /Bio-technology (which shall include practical test in these subjects) and also English as a compulsory subject. OR
4. CODE [04] : The Pre-professional/Pre-medical Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology & English after passing either the Higher Secondary Examination or the Pre-University or an equivalent examination. The Preprofessional/ Pre-medical examination shall include practical test in these subjects and also English as a compulsory subject.OR
5. CODE [05] : The first year of the three years’ degree course of a recognised University with Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Bio-technology including practical tests in these subjects provided the examination is a University Examination and candidate has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology with English at a level not less than a core course. OR
6. CODE 06 : B.Sc. Examination of an Indian University provided that he/she has passed the B.Sc. Examination with not less than two of the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany, Zoology)/Bio-technology and further that he/ she has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. OR
7. CODE 07: Any other examination which in scope and standard (Last 02 years of 10+2 Study comprising of Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Bio-technology; Which shall include practical test in these subjects) is found to be equivalent to the Intermediate Science Examination of an Indian University/Board, taking Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Bio-technology including practical tests in each of these subjects and English. Provided that to be eligible for competitive entrance examination, candidate must have passed any of the qualifying examinations as enumerated above or appearing in the qualifying examination in 2016. If a candidate does not fall within the qualifications prescribed as per Code number 01-07 he/she should furnish complete details to determine eligibility.
Age Limit :
1. 17-31 years
2. The upper age limit for candidates seeking admission under 15% All India Quota Seats is 25 years as on 31st
Backward Classes. Candidate must born on or between
3. (SC/ST/OBC Category) : 01/01/87 to 01/01/2000
4. (Other Category) : 01/01/92 to 01/01/2000
Application Fees :
UR/OBC : Rs.1400/-
SC/ST/PWD : Rs.750/-
Email :
Phone No. : 011-22509256-59, 22019683, 22521081
Fax No. : 011-22509251
How to Apply : Apply Online
Official Website :
Starting Date For Application : 26 May 2016
Last Date For Application : 21 June 2016
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